Are we really in the right? The tawdry tale of America wielding our power

It all started with the Truman Doctrine. Or did it? Three guys who grew up in the golden age of American hawkism consider why we’re compelled to throw our weight around — and does it do any good. Saving the Dream crew with Michael O’Sullivan, Cully Templeton and Scott Senften.


00:00 Introduction and Shared Blame
01:08 Growing Up in the Golden Age of Hawkism
02:02 The Evolution of US Foreign Policy Doctrines
03:22 The Truman Doctrine and the Shift in US Role

04:19 Presidential Doctrines and Changing Priorities
05:37 Questioning the Purpose and Effectiveness
06:35 Changing Perspectives with Age and Experience
07:29 Revisiting Truman’s Doctrine and Intentions

08:21 The Monroe Doctrine and US Identity
10:15 The Role of Trust in Government and Intentions
11:15 The Influence of the United States in the World
12:13 The Perception of US Intentions and Actions

13:25 The United States as a Global Power
14:45 The Transition from States to Federal Government
16:19 The Void Left by Britain and US Hegemony
17:44 The Law of Unforeseen Consequences

18:37 The Dilemma of Prioritizing Domestic Issues
19:37 The Moral Deficiency of Focusing Inward
20:38 The US as a Global Leader and the Need for Influence
21:40 The Influence of the United States and Soft Power

22:58 The Challenges of Using Influence as a Tool
23:16 The Frustration with International Involvement
24:06 Questioning the Effectiveness of US Actions
25:05 The Complexity of Balancing Domestic and International Priorities

26:47 The Perception of US Involvement in Other Countries
27:43 The Influence of Trust in Government and the Perception of Propaganda
28:42 The Hypothetical Impact of Preserving a Collection of States
31:40 The Soft Influence of the United States

33:42 The Transition from States to Federal Government
37:00 The Influence of the United States as a Global Power
39:22 Differentiating Hawkism and Soft Influence
43:00 The Need for Careful Thought and Smart Decisions

45:27 The Challenges and Failures of Hawkish Approaches
46:53 The Positive Impact of Soft Influence
51:53 The Importance of Trust in Navigating International Relations
53:37 The Need for Effective and Trustworthy Leadership

54:31 Nationalism and Global Initiatives
56:23 Effectively Leading the Charge
57:21 The Decline of Order in the House


The conversation explores the evolution of US foreign policy and the role of the United States as a global power. It delves into the shift from a collection of states to a more centralized federal government and the impact on US identity.

The discussion questions the effectiveness and moral implications of US involvement in international affairs, particularly in relation to hawkish approaches. The concept of soft influence is explored, highlighting the positive impact of US culture, technology, and values on the world stage.

The conversation concludes with the need for careful thought, smart decisions, and trustworthy leadership in navigating international relations. The conversation explores the challenges of navigating between nationalism and global initiatives, the need for effective leadership in addressing global issues, and the decline of order in the house.


  • The United States has undergone a shift from a collection of states to a more centralized federal government, impacting its identity and role as a global power.
  • The effectiveness and moral implications of US involvement in international affairs, particularly in hawkish approaches, are questioned.
  • Soft influence, such as culture, technology, and values, has a positive impact on the world stage and is often more effective than hawkish approaches.
  • The need for careful thought, smart decisions, and trustworthy leadership is crucial in navigating international relations. Nationalism can be demonized, but there is a need to consider what is best for one’s own country.
  • Effectively leading the charge in global issues requires good intent and a return to the core belief of internationalism.
  • The decline of order in the house raises questions about when and how it happened, and the need to address the problems of the world.

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SAVING THE DREAM is a fun unconventional podcast featuring unfiltered conversations about life in America. If you’re enjoying life in the echo chamber where people don’t really listen and think, then this one isn’t for you. But if you like real, honest exchanges about things that effect everyday life, then tune in here for a new episode each week. With Michael O’Sullivan and a varying slice of the Saving the Dream crew.

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