It’s time for Dan’s Reading List: History, Westerns, Sci-Fi, Love, Weird Science—we got it all | Ep 42

A new quarterly feature on Saving the Dream — Dan Allford is quite the reader and he loves to talk about books. It’s genre soup with Dan’s own brand of quirky commentary.

The Titles

Lonesome Dove, Larry McMurtry, 1985
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
Richard Rhodes, 1986
The Seven Sexes, William Tenn, 1968
Cat’s Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut, 1963
Kelly: More Than My Share of it All, 1985


00:00 Introduction and Pocket Protectors
00:56 Dan’s Reading List
01:41 Michael’s Reading Habits
02:31 Western Book – Lonesome Dove

03:50 Fiction Book – Larry McMurtry
05:01 Biography Book – John Wayne
06:49 Ethics in Books and Movies
08:10 John Wayne and Westerns

09:36 The Right Thing to Do
10:31 Contradictions in Characters
11:26 Taking Action and Clarity
13:15 Management Philosophy

14:12 Book on Atomic Bombs
16:57 Difference Between Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs
19:48 Science Fiction Book – Seven Sexes
21:41 Science Fiction Book – Philip Class

23:35 Autobiography Book – Clarence ‘Kelly’ Johnson
27:18 Fiction Book – Frederick Forsythe
31:49 Russian Literature – Dostoevsky
39:31 Biography Book – John Wayne


In this conversation, Michael and Dan discuss various books across different genres. They start with Western books, including ‘Lonesome Dove’ by Larry McMurtry, and then move on to ‘The Making of the Atomic Bomb’ by Richard Rhodes. They also recommend ‘Seven Sexes’ by William Tenn for science fiction fans. The conversation touches on ethics, management philosophy, and the difference between atomic and hydrogen bombs. They conclude with a discussion on the works of Frederick Forsythe and Russian literature, particularly the writings of Fyodor Dostoevsky.

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SAVING THE DREAM is a fun unconventional podcast featuring unfiltered conversations about life in America. If you’re enjoying life in the echo chamber where people don’t really listen and think, then this one isn’t for you. But if you like real, honest exchanges about things that effect everyday life, then tune in here for a new episode each week. With Michael O’Sullivan and a varying slice of the Saving the Dream crew.

Home » Podcast » It’s time for Dan’s Reading List: History, Westerns, Sci-Fi, Love, Weird Science—we got it all | Ep 42